The Death Thread


I was seconds away from getting offline and doing Christmas things and I teleport and insta pop by a bunch of Djinns. It was my last maxed character.


They donā€™t just shoot 1 shot then die.

They shoot multiple times.


Two people learnt the castle lesson today.


Beware of the walls you canā€™t see behind~


Oh right. Sorry.


I had that death so many times before I finally learnt my lesson.




i havent learned my lesson yetā€¦



rip. You die a lot.


That death was completely my fault. You know how I have a general rule of restarting client when mem is over 1000? I decided to be a dumbass because @Dansturr is cool and was hosting wc, and I lagged into oryx while circling.


well now i do,

i never check my mem and stuffā€¦


Was not paying attention during Septaviusā€™ bullet ring phaseā€¦ Instadeath :cry:


Rip 6/8 Pally before bridge on 3rd inside a Shatters. Died on Christmas
Rip 4/8 Backup Archer in Ice Tomb during Nut rage. Died on day after Christmas


#Welcome to the forums @Ilikzerice!!
Hereā€™s a :cookie:


iā€™ve saw 3 staplier stories so farā€¦


R.I.P. three 6/8 Necromancers this month, all dead due to lag with time management issues and/or other causes


lol. i only saw one other.


yeah, i found it after


I died lvl 5 with resu


The great knightā€™s slimy, snaky death.
Im going to make a little lore i guess about my knightā€™s awful death

You are wandering the slimy, smelly snake pit when you discoverā€¦ a scroll??? You begin to read it
reading starts
Whoever sees thisā€¦
I am at my endā€¦ I will die due to my cockiness of how much defense I had, taking only minor damage from the great pit vipers. I figured it would be a time to ask someone about a manor which i never saw. I followed them into the snake pitā€¦ and when I was talking, I felt a great surge of pain overwhelm meā€¦ I realizedā€¦ I had taken a lethal blow. I was dyingā€¦ I was trying to farm and trade for attack potions for my younger brother, the warrior. He would have become more powerful with 75 attack, when i had 50ā€¦ I only needed 4 more attack. But I am not going to make it. I suppose it is time to join my other younger brother, a 5/8 assassin, who died in an ice tomb. Farewellā€¦

note: brothers = other characters
younger brothers = made after knight

RIP 7/8 knight (first ever 7/8)
RIP 5/8 assassin