The Death Thread




Get on my level


Well there goes my lucky little Sorcerer ppe, I got flanked by the minions when I was grabbing my loot from Oryx 2.


rip 8/8 paden





pretty sure he died while typing bye cuz i was leaving :frowning:

I feel bad :frowning:





Did I just miss a crap ton of mountain temples and ice caves?


my beloved wizzy, thanks you hes already accompany 1 year without fame train/lh fame and manage till 7k base fame
… thanks to @XMaxJunior for screenie… … at least i got 15k fame and manage to max my legendary lel


temples and pups


Ahhhh, I assumed Temples and Caves because of the fame box



Goodbye Knight


good knight, knight




My first melee experience (to unlock knight). I died at Level 2…But I had hope! :rofl:

My first knight experience after I heard that the knight could stun with his whoppity (my term for shield)! :grin:

After dying on my first knight, I was determined to try again. :grinning:

After dying on my 3/8 knight, I decided the knight wasn’t exactly the class for me. So I booted up a ninja after seeing that he was the mascot of talwar. :slightly_smiling_face:

So I died on my ninja. Okay…How about assassin? I heard that the poison was perfect for WC’s and events. So I tried him out…:neutral_face:

By now, my equipment, stat pots, and most of my reserves had drained out. I had to rely on my last reserve, hoping my trusty wizard (my fav class) could scrape up some more stat pots…Sadly, Santa Claus met his demise out of my computer from overheating and lagging. I bumped into a Beer God and got torn to pieces…Why, oh why did it have to happen? :disappointed_relieved:

After several more attempts, I managed to get my good ol’ rogue running (my second fav class)! I farmed a quite a bit of pots and I maxed 4/8. Not the best, but not bad!

30 seconds before the rogue’s death: A friend dragged away my chromebook for a prank. AND HE KNEW THAT I WAS GONNA DIE ON MY ROGUE!!!

Me after rogue’s death: “I have seen enough. My life is complete.” :scream:


Nearly all of my deaths EVER was due to lag when my computer overheated.

I didn’t want my assassin, so I executed him and transferred his foul and hydra to a rogue. Now I hide under a table, cry as I clutch my chromebook, and wail, “RotMG, you’re my only friend!” No, that’s a lie, but I do sometimes hide under a table as I rush sprites and snakes.


YOU HAD ALL OF THOSE? Bro, my whole life is worth less than ONE of those items. :scream:


chromebook buddies