The Death Thread


I was watching youtube while doing void lol, good thing is I already have the same set and is almost 8/8.


rip @RMGnoob



Honestly I prefer h*ck over Saskatchewan.


@Eldaniel This one was a little weird, the room was completely cleared but said he died to crusade.
Hacker death bug maybe?


Did two Lost Halls, got some deaths recorded.

@RichAsFck Canā€™t remember cause of death, probably Crusade.

@Flyeur Ganged upon by Greater Void Shades.

@AnemonsPro Rushed into a Crusade.

The grave.

@Gnallspik and @LongestDic Hey, that rhymes!

@FaDeDrius and @Hettie in a public Nest.

Shortly after, @TheLavaGal and @Draskeysux.


This just in, a MASS murder on Wine Cellar Boulevard. Five Dead and many wounded by shotgun shrapnel. More on this later, you are listening to Nexus Radio News.


I would assume so, Iā€™ve been hearing about a hacker client that instantly kills you when you touch something, but I donā€™t know of the source (I do not hack, I have legitimately heard this from my friend, idk their source though, so please do not report)


Were you guys the last men standing


I was looking through hundreds of random players through RealmEye and one of the deaths I saw was this.

Up to now, I didnā€™t even know this was possible.

But it WAS four years ago, so I guess it doesnā€™t really matter?


@FL suicide apparently


@Lleenny another suicide


I just opened rotmg and I find my 3/8 trix dead.
I was playing yesterday and was in a shatters, and I closed out of my flash player client.
I check my graveyard and it says I died to a blobomb.
Can I get emotional condolences plox


Ye thatā€™ll happenā€¦




I like that you are just asking for condolences and not trying to get ur char back or whine about it, thats a mature approach. RIP


Rip bro, happened to me but in a ddocks with my best necro (rip shaits skull bracer), xd live, learn, forget




To the Trickster that did not make it as far as she would have loved to.




Before I head off to bed, a collection of deaths from Lost Halls Iā€™ve been doing on my PPE.
Theyā€™re not necessarily in any order, uploader likes to randomize my selectionā€¦

@PokaByczka Waves of powerful magic claim a victim in a turnaround Void run where the Raid Leader - Mutza - Nexused.

@ILIORxRO I think this one got sat on by an Oryx Armorbearer, or a Champion. A messy Defender rush.

@Monsoon and @Trinomial In that same Defender rush.

@F------ Damn my screenshot timing!

@CoBraBC (?) Left behind for dead.

@Hotoz Yikeā€™d in a clutch Void. Raid Leader had to Nexus, and no one took over, so it was mostly improvisation. Lots of Greater Shades terrorized usā€¦ No fun experience ):

@MrsirNot Left behind for dead as well, as the Leader ordered a turnaround. I think it might have been a suicide, since there was someone in chat saying something along the lines of ā€œsay you like me or Iā€™llā€ā€¦you know.

@Szymongale Another Void death.

@Nanofreak In that same void.