The Death Thread


That hurt on SOOO many levels. Extremely relatable


Wait tipsbot and pentarct in the same reef :thinking:

My little baby died today :c


Literally 2/8ā€™d two characters in one day using event, why didnā€™t you at least max defense before using etherite :joy:


Because why not, I got a lot of junk to use up and I was actually making good progress with the trickster.
Who needs defense when you can dodge?
Until you press spacebarā€¦


rip his pally

(spooki teleported into the group)


Naughty spooki.


I just died a little inside.


he died like 5 minutes before, too


dont look at me!


what do you mean


DONT LOOK AT MY GRAVE, youā€™re disgracing it with your eyes




just dont look at it, dontā€¦ dont


If only I could have patience and a functional memory so I could just do this at home.
Oh, wait, I donā€™t have time either, because my new volleyball trainer wants us to have even longer training. Welp.


Is this some obscure anime reference that I dont understand and hope to never will to?


You made me crudely write this you utter baboonal uteraien Bouffalant.


Thank you, Seelpit! Very cool!


I played with fire

and I just burned my freshly 4/8 once again :+1: I had about 5 pots for wis & dex to be 6/8 but nah, doing encore was mainstream and I was silly to think it could be somewhat easy with alot of peopleā€¦

I laugh at every death in this game.
But my bad luck doesnā€™t stop there, no no no, please, allow me to introduce you my poor trickster who didnā€™t saw her att max up because Iā€™m so bad

What I hate the most about her death was the prism. I absolutly loved that thing.
Teleportation isnā€™t for me, another accidentā€¦

Rushing though a pit while following someone when they attract a whole group of snake and teleporting in the middle of it cuz I was in the mood of being stupid, losing etherite, planewalker, and my only good 0/8 rogue I had XD

This one isnā€™t a legit death because, I had a rollback from nowhere and got an haunted spirit on me and well, itā€™s not great to see

I had spd maxed only, def was on its way. Meh. Whatever. I didnā€™t like samurai that much, but I wanted to have at least 800 fameā€¦ 400 allowed me to have a star, at least, but I needed one more and more fame for feed.

Iā€™m more or less cursed now in this game, each day another deathā€¦ So I just created 2 assassins, one for doing everything or anything, the other a mundane one just to have fun. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll live on and will be okay now Iā€™ve learned my lesson :+1:


Eth, Plane, Hippo, Cptainā€™s ring ???


The worst was, I did drop that hippo the same day on oryx, captainā€™s ring same, planewalker 2 days ago, and etherite on a cem when I did use tiered/dropping more potions.

One day my graveyard will have my friendā€™s soul, they almost got an heart attack when they did look at that.