The Death Thread


The real question here is why would you keep all that on a 4/8


aw, rip


In my experience, when teleporting to a group like that instead of a specific player, the teleport will prioritize people in your locklist. Based on that premise, looks like you might have teleported to @Maxhello as he was rushing godlands.

If Iā€™m right, then you might want to keep your locked players on voice chat as well and just ask if theyā€™re safe or not, or completely avoid them and teleport to another group in the godlands (or never lock people who play unsafe, but thatā€™s just boring).


I almost never play anything but melee for that exact reason.


Some teleport advice

  • Never ever teleport to the Red Dot on the minimap, try to select a yellow dot from the group around the red dot that is furthest away from the said red dot. You will still be close to the boss but not on top of him.
  • Never teleport to a solo Warrior that may be in Glands - expect a god wall
  • Never teleport to a solo Knight that may be in Glands - expect a god wall
  • Never teleport to a solo Rogue that may be in Glands - the rogue will cloak away from you leaving you with a crap storm.
  • Never teleport to a solo Priest that may be in Glands - The priest may have an angry horde of Atheists on his butt.
  • When you are about to TP to the group if you can buff your self or cloak you should do so before the TP
  • Always be prepared to Nexus when you are about to Teleoport.
  • When someone calls LAB, Crystal, CLAND, Tomb, Ice Cave or anything else that is good, you need to ask yourself ā€¦ is it really worth my life to teleport to someone I donā€™t know? Could they be ENT sitting, Avatar sitting or just dragging a God wall around? If its a small realm then you could check the mini-map with your mouse to find them.
  • If you ever find someone false calling an Event you should mark them IGNORED / BLOCKED right away. Saves time in the future.


Rip in peace is rest in peace in peaceā€¦


Lol, I lost my gemstone the same way with an instapoo GLand Tp :joy:


Besides lock list, it could be me but it seems to ā€˜rememberā€™ the last person you TPā€™D to.

I notice this when Iā€™m farming dungeons in the train; itā€™s the same person each time.


Thatā€™s why I always flinch when I press teleport on a large group, just cuz itā€™s large doesnā€™t mean itā€™s safeā€¦ it kinda sucks because u didnā€™t even have a split second to react toā€¦itā€™s like the teleport button is a ā€œsuicideā€ button.

Man sorry for your loss, why were you carrying so much though?


Because you were using a gemstone on a trickster


Obviously having four different armor swapouts is the logical way to play Trickster.


Never teleport to a lone melee characterā€¦it just spells death for you.


for some reason, ive never died like that to a tp, the closest ones is water mine ontop of me, but i have a sec to react, just didnt see it.


Lost 2 characters to this recently. Gotta die somehow, I suppose.


Lol I wasted this prism of dancing swords on a 0/8 trix.


rip, learn from your mistakes.


Lol I went into a really laggy realm and everyone was saying how their net jitter was super high and everything was rubberbanding, like the dragon which insta-popped me xD


You can upload images here: just drag and drop them into the edit window from your computer; after resizing preferably.


Im using an ipad right now but thx for the advice c:


I bet you can guess what happened