The Death Thread


Rip my 4/8 priest. Was farming in UDL when I ate a full blast from a UDL Burst Trap. Always shoot them down from now.


o u c h

Will he buy you another computer or you will need to buy it yourself


#Welcome to the forums, @DJDumbass!

##Have a :cookie:!


1st one was when i panicked when pyre ran at me ;-;
2nd was a had glitch where it kept moving me in one direction, sadly it was towards the puppet master.
From what someone told me, it was spectacular xD


also, dont main bulwark on 0/8 priest xD


Sometimes lag causes your keys to get stuck like that. For me, it works to press that key and then release it, so that it gets unstuck. Your glitch may have been another glitch, but if it was that one, that works.


i figured that out after that :expressionless: was my first 6/8 was pretty sad.
Almost as sad as when i farmed for days to get an etherite and died instantly xD


Oh, I didn’t see the “2015”


I think I need to buy the charger for myself. Its been a couple of months since he broke it and he still hasn’t gotten me one. I’m planning on just getting another charger.


Damn, died with Bracer Warrior 4/8 the other day because some people who were trying to clear anticloaked me while I was ghost rumming

:stuck_out_tongue: oh well, what can you do but run more shatters and pray you get another bracer




Eyyyy I remember this :3
I’m still stuck in fairy land pls help me ;-;


i finally understand what u meant ;-; RIP 7/8 knight


well then
Rip my crown…


wtf didn’t you get that like yesterday?


literally just yesterday


why crown on pally tho?
save it for a warrior or a robed class


i lost a bulwark leveling, its okay :slight_smile:


i dont see it in your graveyard


He probably had it in his inv