The Death Thread


Most recent death: Petrify to Jade Statue then it stands on me.
Second most recent death: Stacked shots. just one brute managed to get rid of half my health in one shot.

I’ve had enough, I’m not going to try and buy ANOTHER astral, it took me FIVE HOURS to get my recent astral (apparently 1 def is too little for an astral…)




Don’t fuck around with the new event. Hp dropped faster than you can say “oh shit!”


what is this new event like? drops?

EDIT: I know the ut drops, but what else can I drop?


The event drops uts?



@FuzzyBult, charged into a hecc ton of Stone Mages.

@Vittua Cornered!
@Blatser, got caught unaware, most likely.

Someone whose name is hardly readable due to bad timing; presumably @Espykem.

Yet again barely readable; presumaly @SnazyTurtle.

@Xscal, didn’t watch out for the Killer Pillars.

And guildie @Ifavila, who got rekt on his Necro PPE because the Tomb turned dirty.


Was my first maxed stat, almost.
3 away from spd and doing another sprite world for one of my five dex I needed, having bbow and griffon armor.
Long story short: underestimated turret damage.
Rip me


damn rip. it ALWAYS sucks when you die close to maxed ;-;


eleven letters
you can try searching up their names if you want


Sure does.

######pardon the weird cropping




Hey, that’s not too bad.
Not as bad as this:


AFK’s for 30 seconds…


Takes selfie with own grave—kinky


I feel ya u_u


By the way, look at this loot I got.


Three Cem Deaths

Died Because someone said ready too fast and he was afk @Zuuran Was too weak to survive @AcidicDocGot Bombed too many times @FuryLordX


hahaha no its not as bad as this


I died with 6 def pots in the inventory and was on the way to the 7th (life was 7 def at that time)

