The Death Thread


what happened?


alasā€¦ all good things come to an end

sat on limoz in his invulnerable stage and he exploded on my face

welp, rip 8/8 warrior


he is called limoz


fixed, thanks


@Modddder rip your warrior mate, I was AFK in a lab for like 2 secs texting and tpā€™ed to the front of the rush to help out. Stood on one of those exploding bots and instakilled on an 1.1K base Warrior, my best char to this date ;-;
If youā€™re having a hard time rushing tombs, I would recommend you try the Z-path which is where you basically move around the scarabs into the room, start picking off the ones on the edges, and then progress back to the hallway.


I was like 1 pot away from maxing each stat.
Guild tombs honestly disgust me as much as publics.

Chain death is real, folks.


I underestimated the paralyze duration, and ran into the leftover line of shotsā€¦some of the lag input made me walk longer than I planned, I guessā€¦
Rest ye merry, Sorcy. 900 base fame, still more fame than my brave Warrior and proud Rogue.
Your legacy will live on, and be resumed from the start.


there was a cube god in the godlands and I tp to the person that was there then, there was a god wall behind him and I ran into it. The End


RIP @RedXtra


Thank you my friend


@Thorthegre Like many, cause unknown.

@JohnKsR A suicide.

@Yolyolyol (are those Lā€™s or iā€™s???)

@Andoku Little graveyard.

@DarkSock See first.


Second 8/8, FPS Lag + Pup Master 2 = :no_good:



@VladBL A hacker who failed to stun Oryx 2. That heā€™s hacking I only found out a few minutes ago, used a noclip hack to easily get to Limon in a Sprite World.

@TheLavaGal Some peeps started rushing towards Daichi, andā€¦wellā€¦letā€™s just say that keeping up is hard.


Sacrafice was made



HOw TeGhe FuCCkk doewsTHAT eveN HgappPenN/


dunno, he died before I entered the realm


My friend has a picture I donā€™t but a 6/8 and a 8/8 died at a cube god.


Well. Trying to 6/8 again. Why. 6 def, 9 vit left :confused:

Deca fix Stunning please.