The Farewell Thread


(P.S. I dropped “the” from the sentence for it being too long. I just sound more rustic, I suppose)
The timing of my final bounty was no mere coincidence. I received the piece 4 hours after this post. </3

Fare thee well, O supplicant, Herald of the Cubes!


Wait you have a newborn thats not sacrificed to realmeye?

@WaterPower Cubes do not sacrifice their children to the god of spheres. -Book

@XBookwyrmX Why did you hijack my reply? Come on man. -WP


By now you all probably know that I haven’t been playing the game at all recently. I am actually pretty proud of myself since I was pretty addicted for about 5 years, always needing to play and worry about the daily rewards, even when I was on vacations and all that. But I realized that school is more important that realm, but I do still play mc, cause that doesn’t feel boring when I can constantly build amazing things. So I guess what I am trying to say is that I am most likely quitting. There could be times when I log in to reminisce, or finally give away all my tradable. And to all the people I have met while playing in these 5 years, Thank you! You all made my enjoyment of the game last much longer, and I am happy to say that I am glad I met all of you, and if you ever want to talk about anything, you can message me on discord, Ecookied#2787. But for now, I’ll catch ya another time :wave: :heart:


my eyes are sweaty


Yeah same. I remember talking to you early on in my realm career and how u gave me stuff. I will always be appreciative of that! And I know its sad and how realm kinda was there for me while I grew up, and would always see people commenting on this thread and say they have decided to leave and never thought I would be doing the same anytime soon, but its time for me to give realm a very very long break. And I hope to talk to you or any of you in the future! :heart:
Also going on 6 years… wow


i’m so glad you remember, and that i made a positive change, even though it’s a little one! :heart:


that didn’t last long


from Imgflip Meme Generator


i’m sure you guys know that i’m way less active now, just like to formalise it. I’ll still respond to pings and read whatever thread’s on top of the pile, just not going to logon near every day. just wanted to put this down into words. if you want to contact me you can dm me at twitchy#0334 on discord.

suteki :thinking:


Alright… this post has been coming on for a while. Lately I’ve just been bored of realm and not at all motivated to play. If I do decide to play I’ll just go for a few minutes and get bored. Mainly though I’ve been getting into other games like Rocket League, and they are just more fun for me than RotMG. I will probably hang around the forums for a little bit, and read some stuff. I’m not sure how long this will go on for, I could decide to play again in a week or I could decide to play in a year, I really don’t know. I’m assuming that it will be a lot closer to a week than a year, but I’m going to see how long I can go without it. So, thank you all for giving me a lot of fun these past few months :smiley:


Gl in other games, it was nice having you on the forums


I’m probably going to leave the forums. After my terrible post that I thought would be helpfull and now I realise it was garbadge. I am currently in self pity for dumb shit I do. I might respond to things sometimes but honestly I feel better out of conversationns. Cya. Also my life is pretty much going down hiil since last month. Edit: I feel like i’m attention seekijg so don’t gige me any.


hey, we’ve all been there. take a break from everything for a day and just reflect on yourself, it’ll do wonders. bye for now.


Might respond to some posts if I feel that it is helpfull.


Sounds like you are going through a rough spot - you say that you think your life is going downhill? If you are noticing something like that, you should definitely look into getting some help. This site has some resources for finding help more long term as well as short term help if you need it. There is no shame in it, I’ve done it myself. Also, you are attention seeking, but in this case that’s good! If we reach out to others when we are in a bad spot, that’s called being human - we are made to communicate. Get the help you need.


Shadowfax? More like ShadowFACTS. This is very true.


Well i’m not that far downhill. I have many things and luxuries that other people don’t have. I was probably just exaggerating a little. It is getting there. A year or 2 ago actually nearly jumped out of a window on the 4th floor of a building. I’m pretty glad i’m still herem


Well its been a few months of not touching realm, I would say I’ve technically “quit” it but I don’t really find any reason to delete the account anyway. Maybe I’ll be able to play with old friends again but for now I’ve moved on to different games I find fun. I’m making this post as a sort of closure, although my one regret is that I never really finished that 2nd item list I was planning to do (idk why I’m stuck at trying to make a seal and decided to give up).

Anyone who wants to use the ideas or the stuff I posted are free to do so, have it as a basis, build upon it, rework or mention it. I won’t really be replying as actively if at all anymore. I’ve kinda burnt out on the creative juices in terms of this game, sorry.

So to anyone who cares or follows my posts thank you! From my experience I had a great time with nearly everyone on the forums and I really do appreciate the few taking the time to comment or even just vote in the polls I made. I’ll see you all when I see you all, stay safe!


This is a goodbye to the forums, not to the game.

Last year I started playing this game again after a 5 year break. I came back as a light blue star who had never completed as much as an ocean trench (on the production servers anyway :wink: ). Right now, I am where I am.

The day after I came back to the game, I joined the forums. I posted my first white bags here. My first deaths here. Joined my first guild here. But it’s about time for me to say goodbye to the forums.

Thank you so much for everything, and for taking this light blue star under your wings such a long time ago!


add this thread to the gamer graveyard specifically for old RotMG players