The General Chat Thread v2


If one was to have them both, would kunai or rage claws be better (in terms of dps)?


They are a little bit hard to compare because kunai is a perma proc while rage claws buffs in bursts. Since bosses usually have abundant amounts of invulnerability phases, rage claws tends to be better because it does do a lot of pure dmg and double buffs. Kunai also fails to perma proc sometimes because of ic/ooc, while rage claws only really requires you to have a full mp bar before you go in for dmg to get maximum efficiency. Obviously, if you are dealing dmg constantly, kunai’s consistent buff will be more consistent for dps.


hi yes here to pop in to say that for some utmost bizarre reason that doesn’t even have any effect considering they drop only one tier anyway, the higher tiers are currently loaded in seperately rather than being grouped inside a Weapon or Ability or what have you drop.
Not like it’d matter if they were, considering all locations that drop them only drop that specific tier - WC tops are exclusive to WC, Shatts, and Thicket, those above are only in Void and Sanctuary minibosses, and the ones above those are only from Orxy the tree.


Oh brother… all that positively “propritious” programming poignantly puzzling the playerbase. It’s interesting to know, but it’s all based on rng regardless. This is all still assuming you get tiered loot in the first place (O pitiful picaroons!). :3


A Twilight Gemstone, being dropped to another endgame player who will only keep it for forging something else: ugh…

Tiered loot, sorry! :sweat_smile: -Book


If I say it I’ll get it, right? That’s what happened last time. Hopefully I’ll get dragon skin or penguin knight.


@LaenAwesom please stop making fun of prcsakura, that’s not really a cool thing to do. He was being respectful, there is no need to make jokes about “oh my wonderful goddes sorry if I offended”


i’d imagine claws is better at higher mheal, but who knows the damage you can wreck with enforcer and an atk buff


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Good friend of mine got into RotMG once more after a long break. Played with him over a course of two days and already got a whole recollection of memories. Led him through the reconstructed places and farmed mid-level dungeons to max stats on our chars just like back then. He also almost got his ass handed to him in the reworked Godlands, so that was pretty funny. Hit 6/8 on my Assassin quicker than I thought. Those chill nights of grinding really haven’t gotten old. I don’t think I’ve ever truly dedicated myself to this game like the last few days since probably August when I actually took my PPEs seriously (and to be real, that wasn’t even a grind). @WangleLine He also really loved Passage! :purple_heart:


passage is the best








I got into Making posters.


Are you going to make an art thread now, Or is that too much maintenance to upkeep for your style?


I’m sorry, but the words I underlined have very different meanings to the words you’re looking for.
is and isn’t have different meanings, same goes for condoning and condemning.

And as you should know by now, sometimes the smallest details can make a huge difference.
so to conclude this post, let me say this. try to avoid these things in the future.

*turns to face direction of other users*
This applies to the rest of you as well. *finally turns away*


@anon68684505 Oh, you actually made that art thread! :smile:

As a completely optional suggestion, a thought struck my mind that you could specifically introduce it as a place where people can post their art of they don’t already want to make their own art thread, whether that be for preventing a need for constant updates and maintainence if they don’t do art often/quickly, or perhaps just want an easy place to talk about a critique each other’s art (that last bit is more than optional).


Ah crap did I have a typo in my post? Frick, meant to say is. So yea autocorrect


Energy Staff Spirit Staff Snowblind Wand K.I.D.D. Force Staff of the Vital Unity Tezcacoatl's Tail Wand of Recompense Supernatural Staff


Very funny, DECA.