The General Chat Thread


I used Tiered Bow/CBow + Tiered Trap/Blacklight Artifice + Tenne + UBMP to get Santa Workshop completed.


I have ubmp so that might work


Or you can use WC tops on your Huntress, that can work too.


How does this work?
exalted archer skin without being exalted?

edit: nvm i think i figured it out
because realmeye isn’t tracking exaltations, they probably had 38 before it broke, then got those last two after it broke. It still tracks the skin, which is why it shows that they have the exalted skin





“You are killed instantly”






not my ss

poor whale


@Campfires @Orsome Thought you two artists might be interested in this. Posted it here so others could see as well!

Found this really cool art website with a ton of castle drawings. The details on the grass and bricks are seriously astounding. Link if you wanna check it out:


You failed, there was an ad right before the video. Nearly got me though :wink:

Also there’s only 10 responses left until the auto close :flushed:


ha imagine not hovering mouse over every link to see if it redirects to youtube


On mobile you can’t lol
Oh and question: how do you connect a link to words, so the words wouldn’t be the link but it would be blue and would take you to the site


like this?




I’m on mobile too. You use the chainlink symbol to the immediate right of the Underline option, and insert the link you want on top, and the words you want turning blue to activate the link on the bottom. And don’t worry, if you screw up the blow words just edit inside the brackets!

Fun links like this await.

The General Chat Thread v2

[words and then](https://link here)


Good try


It’s not Rick Astley. I’ve never Rick Rolled someone, I promise. It’s more… mechanical. Hold your finger on the link to verify that the links are different to avoid actually entering, if you wish :wink: