The General Chat Thread


Ohh it’s just justify. Nobody else uses it, that’s why it “stretches” text. I guess your actions are justified (*sighs). On the other hand, I summoned OB senpai and gave you an excuse to pester him mwahaha.

Yes, mobile.


But does it stretch even lines with a few words?

Like this one?

'Cause it shouldn’t. Also, does it happen on desktop/laptop?


Nope, it’s very minor on desktop/laptop, and a few words (as long as it stays within one line) doesn’t affect mobile. It’s usually not a huge problem, but occasionally I’ll notice some words that     look    like    this, for some reason. It’s all good though heh.

@Efnuiwrbvu Efnuu… no, bad boy, no spamming likes :c

Edit: Freaking hell.


Dont worry it won’t be a lot I’m gonna sleep soon


For some reason, I don’t believe in you.


Ummm. I’m sure we had our reasons at the time. However, I cannot remember the specifics.

About the #other subcategory in #ideas

It’s 11.07pm for me and i need to wake up abt 6am = >7hrs if sleep. I usually sleep for abt 9 to 10 hours soooooo yeah I’m goona sleep soon


This is what I mean by stretch. Middle paragraph, 3-4 line.


Yup, that’s actually because I used [justify] together with the # tags. In that specific example, #ideas:dungeons-enemies is too long to fit in the above line, so it goes to next one and the text gets stretched so it can be justified. Since you’re on mobile, the issue is seen more often, but it does happen on my laptop too (second line):


Notice anything different :smirk:


Congrads on your orange star!!!


so weird


You said that about my Yellow star, too.


That looks so weird


sorry, i was originally gonna say that he is still a scrub.






@Mynamerr yes i did


@IBurnYou, thanks for teaching me how to do this with your post here.


im ppe btw lel xd