The General Chat Thread


All hail Seelpit as the greatest player in the game.



Never heard of that tbh, mainland friends never said anything about it


Since when could you use special characters in your name?


Ever since people who don’t speak English existed


Not sure where to ask, but could a moderator (or @Xaklor, or anyone else that can do so) please remove the discord link in this post:
I can’t edit it as it’s been locked for a few years now.




I pronounce Archbishop “Leucoryx” as “La Croix” as in the beverage.

Also tangentially related…


was scrolling through the Rate the Music below you forum game and couldn’t help but notice I like your taste in music. Do you have a spotify playlist?



Holy that’s a big playlist


I just spent much too long finding out if Predator really has higher DPS over EP when I should bee studying physics for my hopefully final test for a while.

So I'll just dump it here for anyone interested
- Staff: Extreme Prejudice (0 att, 0 dex)
- Ability: Recurring Terror Spell (2 att, 4 dex)
- Robe: Anointed Robe (4 att, 3 dex)
- Ring: Forgotten Crown (6 att, 6 dex)
Base stats: 75 att, 75 dex
Bonuses: +12 att, +13 dex
Total stats: 87 att, 88 dex (175 offensive stats)

APS: 1.5 + 6.5*(88/75) = 9.12666...; *0.6 ROF = 5.476
SPS: 5.476 * 10 = 54.76

Base D.avg: (80+95)/2 = 87.5
Att mod: 0.5 + 87/50 = 2.24
D.avg: 2.24*87.5 = 196

D.avg*SPS = 10,732.96 DPS

- Bow: Predator Bow (0 att, 0 dex)
- Ability: Freezing Quiver (3 att, 3 dex)
- Armor: Hirejou Tenne (8 att, 8 dex)
- Ring: Forgotten Crown (6 att, 6 dex)
Base stats: 75 att, 50 dex
Bonuses: +17 att, +17 dex
Total stats: 92 att, 67 dex (159 offensive stats)

APS: 1.5 + 6.5*(67/75) = 7.30666...; *0.75 ROF = 5.48 Attacks per second
SPS: 5.48 * 5 = 27.4

D.avg: (95+140)/2 = 117.5
Att mod: 0.5 + 92/50 = 2.34
Base D.avg: 2.34*117.5 = 274.95

D.avg*SPS = ‭7.533,63‬

Now with modifiers:

In order, damaging -> exposed -> cursed, berserk
Damaging: 196 * 1.5 = 294
Exposed: 294 + 20 = 314
Cursed: 314 * 1.2 = 376.8

Berserk: 54.76 * 1.5 = 82.14

376.8 * 82.14 = 30.950,352

Cursed: 274.95 * 1.5 = 412.425
Exposed: 412.425 + 20 = 432.425
Damaging: 432.425 * 1.2 = 518.91

Berserk: 27.4 * 1.5 = 41.1

518.91 * 41.1 = 21.327,201‬

NB: the highest DPS on the wiki needs to be finished for the Highest Stats page. It’s honestly a mess right now.


What is ent-sitting ?


I thought cult staff had higher dps than EP

nvm that’s against enemies with defense


In 2016 some people would use an exploit to sit on the smaller ents that the ent ancient spawns when buffed without taking damage and then tell people to tp to them


Well, it’s also quite easy to tell judging on base damage and rof
EP has 80-95; Sacrifice has 130-155, so ~1.5-6 times more, but a 60% proj loss and a ~8% rof loss, so it’s easily swayed in EP’s favor


get rickrolled


My question still stands


Wait how do you check active time


In the graveyard, there’s a summary tab