The General Chat Thread


There’s a new post about jt


Me: Pika boi
Xak: Spooky boi
Gaod: Thirsty boi
Glawi: Furry boi
Seelpit: not a boi
Niegil: invisible boi
SirSpud: Potato boi
RMG: Argue boi
Tauntauned: Slav boi
Ispammnet: Spammy boi
Laserquest: Bulba boi
Shatter: Drunk boi [>:)]
Kevin: Uninteresting boi
Zip: Meme maker boi
Book: Ban evader boi
More bois to come (or you could add yourself :p)


Idragonet: Dragger boi


add me


Make your title then, those were the only ones that i could think of a good name :frowning:


meme maker boi


KevinKDW: uninteresting boi


Whaddya mean thirsty boi?!


Book: Ban-Evading Boi


Do you want a sentence, list, or 10 page analysis on why you are a thirsty boi?

  • Sentence
  • List
  • 10 page analysis

0 voters


The 10 page one please, sounds more interesting amirite

on a side note, i won’t be able to get on realm anytime soon, so time to check realmeye using puffin browser


about right


Where is your Bulbasaur ?


He’s a pika boi now :unamused:


unfortunately, i got the pika plague while trying to fight it :frowning:


Dude just use Earthquake not that hard…


I have a balloon


Who uses Balloon???


all fortnite players


bulbasaur can’t learn earthquake