The General Chat Thread


You know how people in your guild have their name in green and show up as a green dot on your minimap? Well the guys who make modified clients thought it’d be a good idea to expand the concept.

It’s probably the one client modification that’s easiest to call a pure QoL change with zero impact on gameplay.

But since modifications generally come in packs, chances are anyone with this one has a bunch more on top of it.


Ok, thanks


was posted on a public discord on loots and deaths


@GGaodzilla @BLUbeans

Thank you, looks like I’ll be going to graduation after all, and unfortunately I have work after -.- . No party for me. The graduation will be held at the constitutional hall near the white house, hopefully I will get a glimpse of trump , hurhur. I was hoping I’d have had a camera to take pictures with…ugh. Oh well, I will try and take pics, of the scenery.




congrats now get ready for 2 to possibly many years of anxiety and stress or as some may call it, college


hosting a deca giveaway competition of sorts soon, just waiting on a few special adjustments to the actual competition (so people that are good at coding cant rig anything) before i can go ahead and post it. letting y’all know in advance though.

(It’ll be a minigame in which you need to record yourself getting a decent score, then post or msg it to me. Highest score out of everyone wins, and you can play it as many times as you want)

Also, it’s nothing rotmg related. Just a nice little simplistic minigame somewhere on the web, in which a few of you have probably played before


today @Orsome called me a racist REEEE
he was a vanilla skin necro don’t blame me


my necro is now having an identity crisis
how do you feel?


shoulda had a skin equipped SMH




@GGaodzilla ur 15 right


What’s the mini game, I’d like to get a head start.




The link is here


“Cotton is a sheep’s fur”
-GGaodzilla 2018


Cotton is a plant…


oh heck ._.


why tho


for some reason i remember you saying you were 15 from somewhere :slight_smile: