The General Chat Thread


Welcome back friend


Hi :slight_smile: nice to see you back


bopped 30 bucks for ordinary magician skin in Mbox

got pet foods :upside_down_face:


ordinary magician is in a box rn?!

whips out credit card

EDIT: I’ll probably just wait for when they give it out for free from the Halloween skins.




lol, ik this isn’t the misquote thread but I had to

anyway welcome back


Sorry I just had the urge


ty, important to know



thanks shax


going to take sat again


Good luck! And get plenty of sleep and eat a healthy breakfast.


it’s in a month


Taking it this Saturday, really nervous for it :cold_sweat:


It’ll be fine, it’s really easy. The ACT is more difficult.





I just realized that I can’t use any of my gear for the ACT becuz collegeboard is all like “CAS isn’t going to give students an advantage LMAO”


they’re right. i used my calculator for 2 or 3 problems total.

on the topic of the act vs the sat, i found the act a lot easier. that said, the sat that i took was apparently much harder than normal, based on what my friends all said after the test was over.


not on the SAT, lol

The SAT is really easy, just everything from alg.2 down

I’m talking about AP Calc AB/C


i’m not sure what you’re trying to say. you said that cas doesn’t give students an advantage on the act, based on what you heard from collegeboard. i agreed with that; i used a 40 year old calculator that my dad used during his time at tsinghua and i had no problem. even if you aren’t fast at mental math, there is no reason to use any function beyond trigonometric ones, although it might be worth it to get a ti-84 and program a pythag/quadratic solver to save a few seconds.

