The General Chat Thread


You didn’t credit me for my screenshot.

Lawsuit pending.


OwO whats this






If you are looking for some SPAM ASMR come to USSOUTH 2 LEFT BAZ


didnt you get kicked from that chain :thinking:


I was kicked from a mt for not giving popper pots (already gave the pots a away)
Edit: first time


@OtherBill hes back


so sad :pray:

he even posted a couple comments on reddit


13 mods and only one is active smh


Guys is it bad that Gaodzilla has had his account for almost 2 months more than i’ve had mine, yet I’ve died almost 3x as much as he did, and has/had 17x the 8/8s that i’ve ever had?


Some people just die more than others.


Even more embarrassing is the fact my account is 9 months older than your’s, and you have like 6x more deaths than I do.


guys is it bad that i play like a little bitch?


You havent been banned yet


Is that a santa hat on your pfp in February


What’s wrong with that?


Yeah whats wrong with that


Well I guess there’s nothing wrong with getting into the christmas spirit 10 months early


Or keeping the spirit alive for the whole year. Or I like my profile picture.