The General Chat Thread


o :frowning:


I think that if you include an @playername in the edit, it should send another notification.


yay more fanservice


so bored that i played some


well palatine coming back after his initial death (multiple times) was in the extended universe

so this is not really surprising news


r/prequelmemes goes crazy lmao


None of you missed me while I was away?


Also I missed my realm birthday, it was 1 day after I left.


Trailer for the upcoming Star Wars CANON video Game: Fallen Order

The Antagonist is the Second Sister from the Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith comic



Should I do a ppe to get back into the game?

  • Yes
  • No no one loves you

0 voters


Why does everyone hate me?

I’m such a nice guy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)


Clone Wars Season 7 Trailer 2 unveiled.


Good stuff :smiley:


How awkward would it be if you were a colorblind racist?


To not continue to go off topic. I mean it was like that less than a week ago. But Idk why it changed and Idrc.




@CandyShi and @CrayKiller win the PPE contest! Gratz! I’ll let the contest hosts and Candy make official posts about it, but GG. There was no chance with Candy’s luck

Post funny moments in-game!

why do ppe contest when I g0t 48 decas from some1 who got a sealed crystal skull u know who u are :3






it’d be Nazi walks into a jewish birthday party levels of awkward.