The General Chat Thread


sorry for the late reply; just catching up with some forum things now

the damaging rings are green when they appear, and they don’t do damage. After a couple seconds they turn pink and you can get hurt by them.

I’m 90% certain that sprite world and ddocks are going to be reworked soon. Those dungeons were announced in the same post as cdepths/sewers/wlab, so I think there was just a part 1, and part 2 is coming soon. They may have just scrapped it though


Oh, I didnt catch that. thx


Watch as GammaGamer slowly takes over the pfp’s of the forum


he’ll never take me alive


Yes it is

Hello? why is nobody talking about this? [Realmeye updates]

Realmeye was literally on the page of links including the discord and stuff on old website lol


I’ll believe you, but I missed an acquisition. I specifically remember repeated warnings of that fact give by them. Mind sharing a link, if you have one?


You’re probably just using the wrong word.



But they weren’t officially condoned, at least at one point? I know what the word means. (This might be getting too off track on my end now)


leader fight :slight_smile:


Lol, technically leader and mod tho


As @Twitchystr said realmeye is linked on the I’d say that’s condoning


I have no qualms with Shatter, though? I was trying to discover if I had outdated information or not. I welcome the critique. No hard feelings on my end, at least! :smile:

It reflects really poorly on at least myself if I spread misinformation.




Why am I not on the list :thinking:


because your pfp is invulnerable to change you dumby


I’m gonna flip it horizontally just to annoy you now


why would that annoy me


Can’t stop my pfp!
until I turn it questionably sfw again and almost get banned again