The Introduction Thread


Hello friendinos. Cool forum (yay no Drupal yay no myBB), and good to have the old mods back too.

Hoping for great things!


Hi, i’m Mihail.
I want to volunteer for Deca.

I know C#.
(and PHP, and HTML, and C++, and a lot more)


Hi there! I’m Blkendglxy, the Founder of the Priests of Kendo Stick! Praise the Kendo Stick


Hey its me, ^

I like these new forums!


Hey everyone, I’m NadeToon :smiley:
Nice job on making these forums possible!


CURVEFEVER reporting in, really exited about this, hopefully all the drama stays on the reddit, and we can enjoy the peace here.


Hi, my name is Lights. I liked the wild shadow forums a lot and I hope that these forums will be as fun.


omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg


Best thing since peanut butter chocolate.


o; For happy this happened, but gonna take a while to get used to

I'm back

I can agree that a forum like this is good, hope to see this get refined as time goes, but anyway I am SilverM, nice to meet you all


Candyshi - were back B)


i am beachsurf


Hi I am Nam. :slight_smile: This is going to be amazing!



On another note, HOW DOES THIS COLOURING WORK? I try to colour a word and it just randomly changes colours, depending on random letters or numbers.


aye there’s an official forum again now

we red boys


Big congrats and well done to the mods of the old Kabam forums, great to see this up and running, good luck to the new (and old) mods!


Hi I’m McGlocklin, im in Nobodies Guild founded by Hetoupz. I am just happy to see a place where all of these changes can be explained more easily. People say that RoTMG is dying, but i dont personally believe that.


To color your text you can use this tool in the toolbar:

Which will do this: [color=#]my colored text[/color]

Unfortunately it doesn’t give you a color picker, so you’ll have to supply the RGB hex value yourself. A site like is a good place. Find a color you like then copy the 6-digit code into your comment.

So, if I wanted blue I would use 0000FF. My code would look like [color=#0000FF]my colored text[/color] and my resulting text would look like this.


BLACKDONKY here. :slight_smile: I used to stream this game a bit. Say hi if you know me. :slight_smile:


I see. I did use that, as shown in the ‘wassup’, and I kinda assumed it was something like that for picking it, but I wasn’t sure because of how it worked. Like I was wondering if it was words, and if I put ‘oran’ it made it green, putting ‘green’ actually made it bright green, putting like 999123123 made it dark red, strange man…