The Melee Playstyle?


tl;dr: Any tips on how to melee?

So somehow I managed get myself stuck with 3 melees. I know lots of people say that melees are op and need nerfs and all that, but I can’t seem to get down how to play them because of how short their range is. I find katanas to be pretty ranged (I actually thought they were longer than daggers for a while), but swords are just so short that oftentimes I can’t be sure if Im hitting the enemy. Is the answer just to walk in and hope I don’t get shotgunned? And sidenote, is def or hp more important for melees?

ps: what do melees do about groups of gods/ghost god? Hiding behind a rock works for knights, but what about the others? Or does that work for them too?


Meeles (tiered swords) will be nerfed soon, play them while you can


A few things to keep in mind.

Pet: A melee greatly benefits from a strong pet, more so if not maxed. This is pretty self explanatory so just do your best if you don’t have one.

Defense: High defense is part of the playstyle. You need to max your def initially so that your stat + armor can enable you to take more occasional hits from being close.

Speed: Make sure to max your speed early as it’s more important here than on other classes. It helps with dodging and for going in an out of risky situations.

If you have trouble with a large group of gods (can’t reliably rotate), just run away and let other people take care of them, or whittle them down slowly. Avoid ghost gods if you don’t have max def or have a poor hp roll.

Items: Don’t worry about having the highest def armor. T10-12 is fine for an unmaxed character. While maxing, if you are good at dodging the majority of hits, you can consider a def ring for extra ‘oops’ protection. If this is not the case, use an HP ring. ParaHP or ExHP will do fine here. Ability is dependent on specific class, so I won’t go into that.

Your sword can be either csword or A.S.S. if you still have trouble going in deep on enemies.

You will likely be running many abbys for def and vit. Remember that going slow is actually going fast, as rushing gets you killed and resets your progress.

Also, you should hear a noise confirming that you are hitting an enemy.

Once maxed, this all becomes much much easier. More so if you have a good pet.


OOH! OOH! I know!

I’ve been a warrior main for quite a while now:

Coming from playing a class like archer or priest the melee range can be a bit troublesome. Oftentimes I find myself wishing I had slightly more range to hit that boss that’s juuuust half a tile away! But an important thing is remembering that as a melee you are so much more bulky than a Ninja, Samurai, Archer or really any other class apart from Prot Priest. Therefore, you can use this to your advantage and get closer to a boss than anyone else!

The Ancient Stone Sword is a very good sword to have in your arsenal. It is a relatively common whitebag from the Stone Guardians in Oryx’s Castleand has an extra half tile of range over tiered swords. This is a massive difference! Also, it allowes you to oneshot all the enemies in the Abyss of Demons at maxed attack which is very helpful.

I consider HP to be more important, as most often you will die due to large shotguns of damage all at once which def will do very little to prevent, whereas HP will definitely benefit. Equip and ExaHP or above and you’ll be right.

I run into the middle of them because I’m jugged, but if you’re not jugged just wait for an archer or something to come along and clear them for you :)


just tank everything who even needs to dodge


On a non Jugg warrior play slightly more cautiously.
Use the speed on your ability to circle individual (or small concentrated groups of) gods to avoid being shotgunned.


And look where that got you and your parrots…


(I’m sorry, it was too easy of a joke to pass up on lol)


This is quite a good question, especially for those without at least a maxed rare pet. I do agree that melees are quite difficult to play with if you haven’t maxed your def, as they leverage off of that to be effective and survive. That’s why for fresh lvl 20 melees, they will have some of the hardest times solo clearing the godlands to find dungeons.

Firstly, learn not to charge straight at the enemy, but instead swerve to the left or right as you move closer to the enemy. Knights have the easiest time with this because they can fling a stun at the enemy as they swerve, while warriors can helm boost to help increase their maneuverability, increasing dodging chances. Paladins have the hardest time, but can chow down gods in a few hits with their boost, which also helps them heal back the damage they receive.

Secondly, whether def or hp is more important for melees. In general, both are highly important, but assuming you don’t have a good pet and unmaxed, a def ring might give you more survival chances than hp. This is because without a good healing pet, you’re rarely going to hit full hp, so you might as well wear a def ring. If you max def, however, you should consider wearing a hp ring instead, especially if you’re a knight as they will have a crazy amount of defense already.

Lastly, ghost gods suck for melees just because their shooting arc is so wide. One might be tolerable, but more is suicide for warriors and paladins when unmaxed. I don’t really have any tip for that,I just run away when I was a beginner haha~ But I guess if you want the highest chances of not dying while tackling them, the rock strategy works for all melee classes. Hide behind and occasionally slip out to get a shot or two on them~


Melees are only overpowered once they’re maxed. Until then, their lowered range can’t be balanced out by higher dps, simply because getting to melee range in a place like godlands without maxed def is suicide. Looking at your realmeye, I would suggest using your ninja to farm for pots (especially def) for the knight. Once the knight is maxed, he will become a powerhouse, and then you will truly be able to harness the power of the melee playstyle.





People seem to complain a lot about ghost gods on unmaxed melees. Am I the only one who feels that it’s easier to just slip between the shots instead of… hiding behind a rock?


The problem generally seems to be when there’s more than one ghost god or a ghost god with other gods nearby. At least I hope that’s the case lol.


Ah, yes. Now that absolutely fucking sucks on a melee.


Godlands on melee, if you are unmaxed or have a less powerful pet, mainly focus on trying not to get isolated away from other players, as it is difficult to kill the gods when you get a mixed group of them, and unless you are at the edge of godlands, backing away will end up just with more gods around you.

It’s really a case of recognising that you aren’t yet powerful enough to blaze through soloing everything, and don’t try to end up in that situation. Use the players around you, and choose which gods you’re going to get damage on (1 hit does soulbound so no need to go mad trying to solo slay them).


I currently have an alright warrior (which had hit 8/8 as a ppe) and paladin used ot be my favorite class. A lot of people see melees as incredibly agro monsters with a lot of potential damage. However, given that massive damage, it means you need less damage to land SB. So, here is my advice on playing melee without a good pet.
First, don’t get greedy. Don’t stay in for too long. Back up whenever your under 50%. Warrior can speed out while paladin can heal up pretty fast.
Second, conserve your ability. If you can’t infini with your ability, save it for when it has the most potential. No point in using your ability if it doesn’t serve a purpose.
Third, carry around a csword or ASS. Cswords are incredibly common and have a solid 4.5 range. ASS have considerably higher damage while only sacrificing 0.5 range but are slightly rarer. Use these two swords as your main while carrying a good ol’ acclaim for dps. Stay away from the pixie and dblade. Landing 3 shots of pixie is equivalent to an acclaim but the range required is much lower.
Fourth, dodge. Melees don’t really need to dodge due to their high def. However, know which shots are absolutely deadly. If you ever drop below approximately 30%, nexus (assuming you’re following my 50% rule) because it means that you likely can’t dodge the onslaught.


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