The Purple Gorilla (a joke told overtime)


This is going to be one of my personal favorite jokes. It is told in the form of a story. From time to time, I will add a few lines to the story. This is a story that took around twenty minutes to tell verbally and was one of the greatest jokes I have ever heard. I shall began below and add to it over time

Once, not to long ago, I went to a party to which I had been invited to by one of my stranger acquaintances. I had arrived ten minutes early by accident and began a conversation with the host before the other guests arrived. After talking for a few minutes, he brought up something about the “Purple Gorilla”. As I asked him to repeat, he mumbled something about staying away from the “Purple Gorilla”. Soon, the other guests arrived and the host left to go talk with him. However, the image of the “Purple Gorilla” remained in my mind.


Not soon afterwards, as I slowly wandered around the house, I found a strange staircase, seemingly not connected to the main staircase. Because the host had told me that I could go anywhere I wanted to, I decided to descend these stairs. After all, I knew none of the random other guests at this party


understandable, have a nice day


So continue pls




The stairs creaked with every step. As I reached the bottom, I found that in front of me was a large door with the sign, do not open on it. Naturally, I tried to open it. However, I soon found that the door was locked. I decided that I would pick the lock myself. I waited until all of the guests had gone. I had hid in the bathroom. I then, once more, crept down those stairs, and this time I picked the lock. Inside, I found some of the most glorious animals I would ever see.


Pls continue papa


In solid steel cages on either sides laid animals that I had previously never believed existed. Unicorns, Dragons, Pegasus, Sphinx, and much much more. However, directly across the hall was a golden cage with, in bold letters below it, a DO NOT OPEN sign. Inside this beautiful golden cage was a PURPLE GORILLA. When I say purple gorilla, I don’t mean a gorilla dyed purple. NO! IT WAS A PURPLE GORILLA. Naturally, I decided to walk closer.


thank you :slight_smile:


bonzi buddy


Lmao didn’t even think of that. Isn’t it a virus?


I was being pulled closer by a mystical force. Soon, without realizing it, I had opened the cage. I stared at the gorilla and it stared at me. For the first time, i noticed it’s massive size. It pounded it’s chest and reached for me. Naturally, I turned and ran for my god forsaken life


CONTINUE PLZ!! :slight_smile:


Slamming the door behind me, I sprinted up the stairs that had led me to that basement. Soon, I had left the house and lept on my bike, ready to return home at last. But then… I watched as the purple gorilla lept through the roof and began to chasing me. There was no way in hell my bike would be fast enough. I quickly hailed a taxi


are taxis still a thing anymore? ;-;





So you are saying that nobody tried to go to the bathroom once during the party?


Hey, I was hiding in a special bathroom in the basement :smiley: . No body else wants to hide there because none of us were given permission to go to the basement


Not really, but i don’t want to wait five minutes for my uber while being chased by a purple gorilla


As I got on the taxi, I quickly told the driver to get me to my home address (not saying what it is here) as fast as possible. Then I relaxed in the back seat. Looking at the rear window of the car, I smiled expecting the purple gorilla to rapidly fade into the distance. I had been about to close my eyes when suddenly a realization hit me. I looked back at the mirror. The purple gorilla was barely a few meters behind us and was keeping pace. He had already barreled through a couple of cars. Looking ahead, fear struck as I noticed a red light.