The Sage- A Class Idea by Atrapper


Hey, everyone! I’ve made a class concept, complete with UT’s and a semi-unique ability- the Sage. Tell me what you think about it!

Would you like to know your future?


Honestly, I really don’t like the idea of a robe class having to get just a few tiles away to do damage. Plus, the ability is only semi-original in the sense that it’s like an assassin poison emanating from the body.

Edit: With the Eye of Midas, I believe it should be stasis not petrify, as petrify is only effected on players.


The idea was to set down the AoE attack, then drag enemies through it (think Bulwark minefields).

I find this okay, as there are a slew of semi-original abilities in-game (trap/poison, helmet/seal/tome, even shield/quiver).

It wouldn’t be hard at all to implement Petrify on enemies- just take the code for Paralysis and Stun, add the code for the gray appearance, and boom, you got it.


This is a pretty unique idea, and I really like the sprites. I always thought the wand classes would be getting damage from far away, and this changes it. Not something I like. Overall a great idea, but the special could use a rework. 6/10.


As I said above, that wasn’t the intention of the ability, although it could be used that way.

Do you have any suggestions?


Thing is, petrify and stasis are the exact same things, so it would just be confusing to add affects meant to be on players to enemies, when everyone is used to stasis


You can still take damage when Petrified.


Its ability is a potato!! Wow!
But honestly, cool idea.



and come on, at least call it a yam


with the stones (light and purity) how close does it draw the mobs in? and would it be close enough to pop yourself?


It draws them to the center.

Only if you stay still after using the ability.


No you can’t.
If you could, it would be a paralyze


they have almost nothing in common whatsoever >_>

petrify is literally just paralyze and stun at the same time with some decorative gray coloration thrown on there. anyone who says otherwise is actually just flat-out wrong. this really isn’t any more complex than that.


Oh oops. I’ve just never taken damage while petrified and assumed it was a stasis on players


rainbow potatoes


@Atrapper just reviewed the ideas! They look really great!
A few things I would add:

  • Work on the gradient a bit, especially for the upper-tier Stones. They look a bit unnatural, even if they were going for a mineral feel.
  • Petrify isn’t an effect for enemies as of yet. Stasis makes them stop moving and shooting and denies interaction temporarily, and Paralyse is the most similar as it prevents movement but allows shooting back and forth, allowing interaction. You could explain in detail how Petrify applies to enemies, but it’s inapplicable until further explained.
  • Light and Purity: I know Purity has a further pull effect but halving the damage per second makes Light much better (combined with the fact that Light has HP and Def bonus, too…) Maybe 150 damage per second for Purity would be more balanced? Or having two different effects?
  • Light: I feel like the colour scheme for this Stone mirrors that of the Lost Halls Golem Trickster set. Maybe tweak it a bit? (Especially the yellow sheen in the center of the Stone)
  • Speed: maybe increase the Speed stat to 55? For balance reasons only.
  • and finally, the name. Unfortunately, the idea of seers coincides with the idea of Mystics. Mystics, by definition, are basically those with mystical orbs that peer into the future and the past. This definition is similar to seers and are, in fact, synonymous, so you might reconsider the name.

Overall, a great idea! I give your spriting 9/10, balance 8/10, and effort 10/10! Keep it up!


Will do.

Petrify on enemies would just be Stun + Paralyze, like it is on players.

You’re right, the damage is a bit low. 150 sounds fine.

Light’s color scheme is literally just that of the Garnet Statue’s.

I’ll think about it, but I’m not sure how I feel about that.

On the Mystic definition, I’ve seen them defined as generic magic users.
I’ve always seen orbs as inter-dimensional, rather than temporal. In other words, orbs peer into other realms, not other times.
On the name, that’s a valid point. I’ll change the name to Visionary and the Visionary’s Stone to the Seer’s Stone.



Given that people rarely use bulwark, void blade, and the like, I find it hard to see this being something that everyone is going to want.

If you think about it, drawing everything back to a single point achieves the exact same effect as paralyzing it right? I don’t see why I would want to do this in most situations, when a paralyze could achieve something quite similar.

Overall, I’m just trying to find the class’s identity. Why would I pick this class over something else? I don’t know. It just seems kind of lackluster with a sort of hodgepodge of abilities and effects thrown together. I’m just being honest.


The difference between those and this ability is that the stones allow room for error, while Bulwark and Void Blade require perfection.

I don’t know how you came to this conclusion. Paralysis is for stopping enemy movement, while stones would be for dealing decent AoE damage.

For that, I thank you. I enjoy skepticism because I, myself, am quite skeptical.
I plan to polish the idea and continue work on it in the next few days, so that should fix some of the issues you have with it.


Why not just use a poison or a huntress trap? Those do AOE damage. The traps just don’t do DoT. Poison does. Neither of them are particularly accuracy dependent.

The coral trap has the 2nd highest damage per mana cost of any trap. It paralyzes and does a lot of damage. I was strictly talking about drawing them to the center. I guess you are dealing more damage, but why do DoT when you could do burst? Also, why not just use a poison? Then I don’t care about their positioning. You may as well just make a poison that paralyzes when you throw it. It would achieve the same effect.

Keep up the good work!