The seventh era of Mitochondria (Not Recruiting)


Woohoo up to 26 members and counting! It’s been a slow start, but we’ve got the ball rolling. I hope to have a full guild once more! Despite our numbers, we are all active players, and laid back.


Some more than others… lmao


Hey. Just came back to realm about a month ago. I’m looking for a permanent guild to join, and this seems like it could be a good place for me. I filled out the application. Looking forward to talking to you!


Any particular reason you left in such a hurry? You joined for less than a day.


Can I join? i can run everything but halls because ill never been in a guild and pub halls always fail.


I didn’t see your application, but you can just pm me your discord tag, and we can go from there!



Unity is out! We’ve managed to grow out to 30 odd some players, but we’re hoping for a full 50 member guild! Progress has been slow going since everyone wants to join a full guild, but are way less likely to help contribute to that goal until it’s met. Along with debt’s recent acquisition of certain members, I’m hoping I can get our recruitment up and going again.


I’ll pop some yellows and greens (like 8 maybe?) once we hit 5 more ppl


hello I’d like to join. I’m sure I meet all the requirements, even tho I haven’t read them


They’re in the guild already…


I dont really meet all the criteria, I don’t have experience in high end dungeons, and I’m a pretty casual player and life being what it is, I won’t necessarily be the most active in the game. That being said, I’m still looking for a friendly community to join in and enjoy the game with, and I hope you’ll still consider me to join the guild. I’ll fill the formula if you don’t mind taking me in !
Have a good one !


Hey! I like your honesty! Can you do us a favor and fill out an application so that we may contact you via discord?


done :slight_smile:


Hey there! I too am looking to join your guild… shocker I know. I’ve played this game for some time through multiple accounts, but only started getting back into it this year again. While I’m still learning my way around some aspects of endgame dungeons, I’d like to think I have a decent grip on them. I’ve forgotten how much I like this game, but more importantly, I’ve realized how I miss playing with what feels like a family, so that is a big reason why I am looking into your guild :slight_smile:


Hey, I’d like to join the guild! I’ve sent an application and just wanted to mention that I have experience in all dungeons except lost halls, I have 1 8/8, 2 6/8s and I am pretty active, although due to college I will not be able to get on at all times. I have near 3000 alive fame as well. Looking forward to joining if possible!


You guys seem pretty dope! I’ve been looking for a guild that I could make friends off of and potentially branch off into different games, and the idea of helping with dungeons is really dope. My ign is ERIGthekid.

My discord is TortureOfTheBalls#9976


Guild is full, applicants will not be looked at until space is made, thank you everyone for your interests in reviving Mito for the 7th time around!


Bye @Omniculus :c


bye @Voyager :frowning:


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