The Social Button needs to be seriously reworked


Probably half of these replies are asking why you didn’t just use your hotkey first
But why didn’t you just use your hotkey first


That’s classic entitlement right there haha, omg.


also he drags in lh, but for some reason is still in the discord :man_shrugging:

but does ctrl + W work for flash? alt +f4 could also work.


Just tried, it does not appear to work. But this does: The Oh Shiet Button (for freezes and when you click off the page)


Not necessarily- check the WB thread, some dude did LH on puffin


what the heck is puffin? all i know its a penguin and a song artist

offtopic: heres the artist, although this is a remix of his song


Browser app for phone that you can play (and I say that loosely) rotmg on.


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