The White Bag Thread v2


Glawi, ru just Arkie who uses pally? lol




Edit: and some fp to end the event :3



Only took about 500ish Snake PIts


Me and my friend are still looking for that skin…


Oh baby a double


Right as my necro dies


Was gonna say the PPE was looking good but it died after taking the screenshot

rip the stone sword


awww that sucks


6/6 hp pots


how do i merge a post here


You do not have that power. What thread are you referencing?



Pep mystic got me a fire armor


Drop from Nut


Forgot about this thing 2 months ago ima just put it here :stuck_out_tongue: Capture
Don’t mind the chat


i wanted to merge my ppe drops in here


Use “@moderators” for such a request. Go to your thread and ask them to merger with this thread. Hope that helps.
