The White Bag Thread v2


yeah because they’re hackers


If I may ask, do you have evidence for that?


Dagnt I ony have 10 gold


I agree with that except for metabolism


there’s a gif of the admin autolooting

From what I’ve heard they’re also pretty open about it


Oh shit, that’s pretty incriminating


what? the fulmi?


a) openly discuss hacking
b) do a “Butler” every time they autonexus
c) tell people to /follow RLs if they’re tired


yikes, I wonder why those max efficiency discords haven’t been nuked yet



@CandyShi @Mynamerr @TROLLDLLR
Everyone knows they’re hackers but I can’t do anything about it

May as well enjoy the fame



First one in like 1.5 years.

Wasnt expecting this.


ehh no


ur picture quality is jank


ok what the heck just happened


It looks like my game, lol.


I’m still dreaming. Don’t worry, I will wake up soon.


First void white.


My archer ppe never gone one eee