The White Bag Thread v2


But like enough to run lost halls?


No, not at all, i’ve been trying to swap items on my chars and free vault space for the past like 10 minutes. Haven’t moved anything whatsoever.


3rd event white in 3 days. 3 day luck streak


Yes, Conglcit. An absolutely amazing event white.


I swear to god…


are you making a joke because it’s actually ancient stone sword reskin


finally, first cwand after a lot of cswords


another robe…




This is now my 4th seal of bruhsphemous prayer




No photo again but Alien robe…

I’m happy this is my first MotMG (i missed last year)


Another event white 2 event white in a day. 3rd day streak flowing. Hopefully tomorrow 4 day event white streak


I got 2 a.s.s 1 mwoods staff, 1 dbow, 1 cutlass so far from the alien but i took this pic a couple days ago and also i got the tennis player archer skin :smiley:


Feeling good about this one


In case you don’t know how to, you can alt + print screen to save a screenshot to your clipboard and then ctrl + v to paste it, you can even paste it directly into a forum reply if you so wish



