The White Bag Thread v2


From 2nd Keeper.




no1’s gonna believe its a ppe eventually lol




yep they think u bought it from rwt xddd


wait what’s that realm encounter?




Nice mark


I think I like this new boss, dropping any/all event whites (plus his own unique sword) AND spawning twice per realm makes him totally worth farming.

Only in full realms though.


bro you got jungle skull from a whitebag wtf im so jealous


Bro u got @BeeMoth quiver!


After a few dud Candy Lands got both sets of armour just now, the one that drops in a white bag, the one that drops in orange. Now have the complete set, + a spare Pixie.




Not on mobile?


I use my craptop for realms and such. Phone is mostly for Halls.


Quest Chest hello???


testing though



First try lul


Ik this is really hard to believe (who am I kidding, nobody actually reads the whitebag thread) but I got on realm for like 20 mins after a month and randomly decided to say “ez Harley” and it dropped and I’ve only gotten 1 before in 7 years of playing
(I’m not one of those people who call before every drop in the hopes of one day not looking retarded, and I didn’t even want a Harley because I already have one and assassin gae)