The White Bag Thread v2




hmm what will we get??

eww it’s the garbage barge


I feel bad for you.

now can I get a nice petskin RNGesus?


ull get as many as u like once u stop stalking me


4th one. All I want is the god damn bow. I haven’t gotten a single witch skull as a drop. I swear to god. I’ve been farming this event for way too long. All for a bow that I wont get. This is the ice cave event all over again. rEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Nice pet fud


When people flex how lucky they are
And I’m sitting here flexing how unlucky I am



yeah got the same thing…

i kinda wunted a def candy


Time for the box:

pretty good
and now the mystery skin:

I guess my pet is going to eat it




I died with it on my inv smh


LMAO what a fuking retard jk luv u
but next time put it away smh


Imagine playing meeles


whatchu say! image

Jk this is getting off-topic



From Pumpkin King


HOW? Does it drop or mystery halloween skin?




mystery pet skin from the calendar