The White Bag Thread v2






im locked :o


send this video to deca since you have video evidence they might give u the item


That’s not how that works. If it were lag, it might happen, but this was a voluntary exit from the dungeon made by the player. DECA won’t replace the item on those grounds.


i guess u are right then but he can say it was an “accidental nexus”

  1. Don’t lie to DECA
  2. Even if it was actually an accidental Nexus, they still won’t refund it


i think they do refund items if u accidently nexus but :man_shrugging:


Deca won’t refund that, clearly intentional and should’ve cleared first

Since the cursor disappears for a moment it might have been a windows update which screwed him over which sucks but it’s not on Deca to compensate that





Didn’t bother the post the cutlasses i got cuz this event makes it so fucking common


Every white bag counts here!


9 ddocks into the event and i think im done


this guy history ended here lol


Looks like he was pretty lucky, at least.


my only regret is there are 4 clovers on inventory…


thats what happens if you spend money on sts


wtf why would you say that
