The White Bag Thread v2



Double orange bag OwO
and more bows uwur


…says the gal who’s not even managed to find a single woodlab in the hour or 3 half that’s she’s played during the event.


Have you considered USE2?


Um so I was messing around on my mule and… well I got my first scutum on the accounts first janus o-0


I refuse to rely on the objects that make events pathetically easy. I’ll complain about the inavailability of woodlabs from Realms, dammit!


If that’s the case, then you have no right to complain. Especially since you say you’ve only played for 1-3 hours, and there’s like 1 Lucky Ent per realm, and depending on how fast you close the realm, it could be 10 minutes to an hour.

You’re literally given an opportunity, and you won’t take it because in your view it makes it ‘pathetically easy?’

Do you want the items or not?


Me got da rare bow :3
and more bows uwu





good name

@Glawi would approve




First LOD of the day. That 8/8 planwalkered right into the boss :frowning:



finally you got a qot wilhuff!



@CandyShi jus to trigger candy



i neeeeeeed





New one