The White Bag Thread v2


Mild Disappointment But Not Fully
I guess this is to pay back for my Trix’ death, huh.


can i liek eraser myself thanks
mstar plox dekker




your sighing brings me physical pain



That pain is self induced then.


my first white of the month, first white in lh, first colo sword






Range: /: //

Big wot



Mini stethno better


Wow that’s a cute pet skin, when did they add that?


All my motmg loot ( not in chronological order)


I dont remember how to reproduce it, but it can indeed happen if you play on browser.


loot from 3hrs of farming o3o


while farming golden archer set, I got this
I just need golden bow, studden leather armor, and ring of greater dexterity :wink:.


my quality isnt great