The White Bag Thread v2


But the real question is how many pumpkins. Like 1 3 1 or 3 5 3.


Are the fake whites rare in.mystery box? I got 3/5 mu first day





white bags are not really rare but common.
This is prob my best spin.

Omg this milk is so rare


It’s common anyway, don’t feel too bad c:


I got two and 2 pumpkins, to add.




why’d you go for the vile trap? just curious


…especially with the non-reskin version already equipped.


cuz huntress is my favorite class
and I already have a conflict and 2 juggs d:


I see


I know reskin conflict has a cool down, and reskin Jugg has no stay bonuses, but does reskin vile have any nerf?


Nope, it’s the same as the regular vesion



r u srs tho


Trioed 4 Ice Caves, this was on my third, I also got 4 mana


I mean there are no real uses for vile except damage


ok glawi, what about this?

huntress is the worst class in the entire game. also, the like button is an agree button.

like this post, i dare you.

edit: someday, i will come back to this at wb thread v8 and it will forever be known as that one post that glawi will never like. sorry glawi, had to be done :J


Rood :c


The post that Glawi can’t like, oof