The White Bag Thread v3


ok thennnn


Holy crap that might be the rarest thing on this thread


another one for the vault


totally the rarest thing i’ve ever seen. a TRIPLE WHITE?


I loved the way other player said “Pog mark”.

But that luck though, it hits the megastonks market.

All you need is the Cult Staff within that bag to make it quadriple whites.



Does this mean that we can all do bidding games with the Mario coin now!!!??? OwO




Hope while screaming “TRIPLE WHITE” you didn’t hit the nexus key.


Awwww, man… :sob:
But why not? Maybe I’ll need to wait until I’m grown up like Candishi. :no_mouth:



After ~3 years of playing, i finally get the Spice Wand.

My first battle nexus white.

The Ketchup Wand.

My favorite white.

On my alt.


Rip it being on your alt! (My first and only white from BftN was Dr. Swordsworth, meh : P)



I’ll suicide my alt, the RNG gods are laughing at me.


Wow. Sb ftw, huh



One to go.



2 double whites ever, both from ddocks
