The White Bag Thread v3



i knew someone would have this just lurking waiting for the moment



please stop giving me whites and things i wanted for so long


Double Planewalker in a day…


WTH is that luck??!!!


its a pyra


No I mean how in the actual he got double White???


I read ut as wth is that ring


luck =/= ring


before the edit the message said WTH is that RNG

i guess after i commented my misread prc changed it to be much more difficult to misread


Well. That’s pretty nice.

Edit: the very next realm I got my first Mercy’s. This has been an amazing day for me!


bruh i need that trap :c


3rd white on Exalt! (First two were Cloak of the Mad God and Keychain Cutlass)


game wants you to play knight


was a pleasant surprise


Today was a good day.



are you doing a new account experience?


First time getting one as a drop.