The White Bag Thread v3


May have posted this one already.


Not sure if it counts sense it was forged, but here it is.

Oh. Another. Great.

Also forged a resu and Necronomicon, I just forgot the screenshot. Also, does anyone know when we are supposed to be getting those two character slot tokens? My chests and characters are currently overflowing with pots.


Yeet! Exactly what I need for Cult event. Sacrificed 3 ASS that I don’t even need.


Sqwaki. Neat.

This will bee fine forge fuel!

Not for this, though. Used a CBow, spare CC, and Spectral for this :3


What are these holy cubes in your inventory? Haven’t tried cube dimension yet

The General Chat Thread

I got so many dbows the last time. Already feeded 6 of them. :smiley:

from today:


So the bag wasnt in the vblade ss cus i got so excited lol. All i need is dagger for full set now!


first blueprint drop


Within 5 minutes of each other.
No fucking clue what the second one does

edit: wtf is going on rn?



Haven’t had one in awhile but very happy. Used 1 reskin stinger and 1 reg stinger and the crystallized mist ring to get it


was so unexpected!


Sacrificed a Nile and 3 Bone Daggers for a Ray Katana.

Only if I can give this to Sakura…


I wanted that dagger soo bad from the st chest but I was stuck with a magic wand… not bad item, just I already had it.


not like this…


Give me plz.


did you not do blue alien portals for motmg? I have too many rays and ray reskins as is


I did, but no Ray (prolly because I didn’t raid enough Untaris).


straight to the forge with that :wastebasket:




ST item forge when? I do like getting hrts, though.
