The White Bag Thread


My first white from a chest and second double white ever (dagger is from a Davy’s chain I was in).


I hate this bow…

#10175 kms friends gets stinger out of epic chest


for years i have doubted the existence of rng jesus.

Today i was delivered righteous punishment

I was in a somewhat laggy ot. the boss died and i got a white bag and started to go for it but then DCed.

Never question the existence of RNG jesus he is real and will smite you


been having absolute trash luck in the event, until this.



thank you, rngesus.


I was going to call you out on this then I remembered ST chests. Was that what it was? I assumed it was just 1 random ST but does it also drop other loot?

I would be so pissed if this were me…

@Spixer Suspicious cropping

Damn 2 Bulwarks within 10 fame? You should try gambling.


what you mean suspicious lol im just shit at cropping


Any cropping is suspicious; why would you not take an SS of your entire flash if you weren’t hacking?


because i dont play full screen and im too lazy to crop properly



Just got a white in my first completed void!!! I had made it to the beginning of the phase with four circling enemies before but I nexused near the beginning. This time I was less of a wuss and made it to the end (though I nearly shit myself on multiple occasions).


When I want to **** myself


you’re a priest how could you not survive void

The White Bag Thread v2

Being unlucky? idk it’s happened to me


just sayin, the 10000th post in this thread was actually post 9810 because of deleted messages, so don’t get too hyped up about being #10000 :J


It’s reading as post 9995/10187 for me xd


i know, just warning in advance because we’re about 3 posts off



time to spam posts



The White Bag Thread v2