The White Bag Thread


random csword is random
that marks what like 7th csword?

random cswords are fair and balanced-tf2 meme



Damn, that’s sexy. Also, how’d you get so little people at Oryx?


Everyone went to oryx

We were planning to do janus but someone went into the portal accidently.



I got both the skin and the sword in the same bag :DD also a brew d:

International Glawi Day [Closed]

Welp, got another one in the next rainbow xDD


wait why is this post flagged, its on topic, not inappropriate and not spam


Yeah preety weird

Ask moderators


Absolutly no idea.


old white bag from a few weeks ago, i was too lazy to post it because its on home pooter


Welp got the bow now xDD


Apparently I didn’t screenshoted when I thought I did but anyway I got the sword and the bow in the same bag, a double white if I may say so :3


Do these count? / #shamelessplugvibes


Well… it’s a white bag so yeah xd


Hey, what about this one too?


shameless advertising intensifies
lel xD


We do have a videos section c;



2nd ever mlab robe lol


i finally got it :smiley:

EDIT: ty kendo stick in 7th slot