The White Bag Thread


I also got these today:



Got dbow right after on chest. @StarliAS you speak the truth.


Heyy just got this:



pyra and nile while running guild tombos
i got them from the boss
didnt take pic bc we were doing them quick fast n dirty

edit: ooo a beachball as well

edit 2:
holy crap glawi i just posted this 2m ago and u already liked it



T0 Bow OP

Tomb Chest Event (Aug 18th to Aug 20th)

Too op Deca Plz nerf.


And yeah


Isnt a white bag but i just got Geb artifact from Geb in a public tomb :smiley:


Funny that. I also got geb artifact but from the chest!


nice hacks.




:U i want that so bad ;(


no border thing at the edge of inv


Thank you


I asked for this ->
…but this will do just fine as well! 2nd one so I’m wearing it on the bb


also he has mana bars above hp bars



You’re scum


my loot from the chest events and tombs today