The White Bag Thread


What is that? Is that like a mobile rotmg xd


Puffin browser









2 scepters in a day, lulz


Protip: Pressing Alt along with the screenshot button makes it only take a screenshot of the current tab you are on.


+21 +20 roll :slight_smile:


HOLY SHIT, minor def ring


About fucking time.


Didnt get a picture but just got a ray katana as a lvl 14 rogue


gg, and happy birthday.May you be allowed to cherish the omni for years to come!



Y si te quedaste hasta que desapareciera? xd




Same with my Cutlass.Or my plague,but my Cutlass I died with.


That moment when people say free super rare item, and that’s what it is.@TROLLDLLR I just had a HEART ATTACK from that.jk.@Seelpit Like me with my Cutlass. And plague.


Si, todo ese esfuerzo lo merecia.


you mean win+prntscrn right? b/c I dont have a screenshot button

also cbow teehee