The White Bag Thread


Didn’t get bag :frowning:


Didn’t get a Void or Murky in this one, but I did panic a bit when I found this fella. Used 4 hp pots in this panic.


but it isn’t rare



quite rare afaik


Def in troom is guaranteed
Only from boss isn’t
Also boss dropping is like… 15%?


the tarot card…


Isn’t rare too, got in 100 abysses like 3


It’s rather rare, not as rare as Master Rat though. On my murky hunt, I found 0 golden rats, but a master rat. May be just my luck. What really pissed me off was that in my hunt, I got two voids and 0 murkys.



I made 26 sews, adding up precounting i made like 40 and i found 4 rats in these
I dunno, maybe you weren’t clearing enough? d;


I fully cleared em all.


Better luck next time!



it’s a Magic Mushroom!


Another dagger :DD


didnt get a picture of the bag, coz realm was about to shake, but the funny thing was I didn’t even notice that I got it xd lmao


Looking at the chat I think you got a bit too excited there.


You can NOT get too excited for a jugg.

lmao at his reaction, doe


I was more excited because I almost missed it xD I originally thought the white bag was a bagston pet :stuck_out_tongue:
