The White Bag Thread


@glawi i see you

watching you like posts in real time is kinda surreal


He knows when you are sleeping,
he knows when youā€™re awakeā€¦

He knows when your bags are real,
and he knows when they are fake.


(Assuming you said this in response to his plague)

Plague isnā€™t a semi rare item.

Itā€™s rare af
Iā€™ve gotten 2 resus and 1 plague, compared to [insert long list of rare whites here]

I donā€™t write whites in caps (especially since I essentially quit, so they really donā€™t mean anything when Iā€™m just trying to carry some people and I just happen to get a white), but he should feel good doing whatever he wants, without criticism about how HE should have his fun. (Unless heā€™s like ā€¦ idkā€¦ doing something really bad)


second quick staffy boi


gib my necro it

On a side note this happened


can u donā€™t


can u don't


finally, something noteworthy >:/

i actually got the ss this time unlike with dominion

  • 52 PM
  • 20 PM
  • 12 PM
  • 29 PM
  • 43 PM

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candyree may have quit rotmg but heā€™s still a lucky shit


Make a trix, rngsesus told you to


None of those tbh. :stuck_out_tongue:





:slight_smile: better!


Hahaha. Yeah,


jk trix is my fav xd




can u dont copy my very creative catchphrase please and thank you


in 2 days, 2 lh tops and a gem yesss

  • pally
  • priest
  • other

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Well, if the boy gets excited over getting a white bag, who are we to say that he canā€™t get excited? You piece of trash.


Knight all the way.


That was yesterday, also, rude.