The White Bag Thread






r a r e




thanks @brunear owo


You’re welcome.
feeds another dbow


c: first forum post


i wanna bftn too :frowning:




I got a completely visible ctrap, first one actually :DD


I feel like this should be your profile description.





CandyShi, do you play this game a lot? You seem to get the most white bags out of everyone on this forum.


Nah, he just sleeps around with RNGesus and Lootcifer.


He plays 10+ hours a day.

Whenever I’m on, he is on.


That leaves around 9 hours for hw and rotmg.


Assuming CandyShi is in 8 grade(he is btw), we can expect at least one hr of hw. Also, people take breaks to eat. 10+ seems quite unreasonable.


Unlikely, he posts from school. Also, if he were sleeping in class, his parent(s) wouldn’t let him play for hours on end at home, would they?