Things I wish DECA would never do


-ROTMG needs op classes because the game is very challenging and stressful. Therefore, you need op classes to make the game more easy, and have a character you can rely on.

I completely disagree. Realm is fun and interesting because you are always on the lookout of danger. You know that at any moment you could pop and that keeps the game alive and well. If you don’t want to die go download a hacked client.


I Slightly agree with number 1, Barely though, and the rest is absolutely dumb.


Nice 20 day necro bump.






I call the life and mana from halls absolute cancer as it overflows my chests and I don’t know what to do with it.


Simple: waste it to max a character and then suicide it 2/8 with life and mana


@kedricos orrr give to to poor people

i poor /s


^^ currently 8/8ing my favorite class sorry bout that

Trickster Duh!


Eh I’m just maxing a lvl 1 atm cause reasons instead.


Ooh trickster is the best class!


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Not really sure what I’d be editing there but yeah.


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