This is very fine [Mass bots in Nexus]


sgttiar is doing this btw


It’s Bert most likely


Edited the title for some clarity.

Well, this is. A thing, huh.


Is there something wrong in the second picture that I’m missing?


They were also making swastikas and going into LHZ bazaars lmao, Deca should probably fix this cuz probs bad for server


they’re in the shape of a penis.


imagethis is what’s wrong in the second picture


that’s third, GBSlayer got me though.


What the hell. Wasn’t he perm banned? Hackers got him? Was he bann’t?? I have so many questions!!


I was here spring break


I remember…

I remember it…


So many!


someone I think swiped the name after it got cleared and has been going around pretending he’s the original


My post was mostly a joke, but lol that’s funny.
Would be funnier if the guy who grabbed his name was actually capable in hacking /s


nah just a guy who got lucky and then uses it to try to get attention, nothing to worry about.


shit oops i just posted something like this


This is why we can’t have nice things.




Boi use the Like button.
It right there


Unpopular opinion, but I feel like we could use another SwatSec style attack. Would certainly shake up the base, hopefully scorching some old earth along the way.


it was bert i was there, he spelled out his name