Time played


Not counting any alt accounts (Mostly since they aren’t accurate at all.) I’ve played 7278 hours of realm.

6859 on dead characters, 419(ish) on alive.


All-time, so this includes various afk moments - and it might even count the Launcher being open for it.

As for total active time:
Or about 59*24 = 1416, + 16 = 1432 hours of “dead” time.
Add these hours of active time, and we reach a result of 2030 hours of active gameplay and 600 hours of non-active gameplay!


39d 2 hours active. Doesn’t count marching, which took up like half of my realm time probably. Steam says 1562 hours, but I’ve been playing on flash/separate launcher for a while now… I’ve got alts… 1 year so not that bad :slight_smile:



Just hit over 100 days on this account… too many attempts at quitting…too many failures.
Second account’s graveyard summary is bugged, but that must have had a few too many hours on it. Realm has been a huge factor in my life, for better or worse.


~2668 hours or 111 days, 3 hours, and 52 minutes, none of which I’ll ever get back. I don’t regret all of those hours, there was a time back when this game was actually fun to play. I don’t know where the cutoff point for regret vs good times is, but I’m glad that number isn’t going up anymore. this is definitely one of those games that does things to your head, that’s for sure.


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