Tips to start a successful guild


Lol I thought at first this was what keys to pop for your guild lol


I don’t think anyone who’s new is willing to spend money or wait 30 days to get their dailies.


well then that’s too bad


These keys are just a way to make your guild like everyone else’s. A guild with no requirements, no offsite bull crap, and people who don’t actually care about playing the game would be my ideal.


wait wtf come back to RL

side note: pls invite SchoolGlue


Can I join?


dang it i was thinking about doing that


Honestly, with all the guilds filled to the brim with famous white stars “successful” guilds are obsolete to me.
All that matters is the people you met and became friends with either 6 years ago up until now. The spirit of friendship is what keeps both guilds and the game alive… Otherwise Realm is a pretty boring game.


Thanks, I’ll consider this if I ever bother making a guild :smile:


Something that might help: Force people to come to voice chat. It makes your guild much more alive and interactive.

That was something Cricket had and it was really nice to have people be on discord every day.

Having active leaders/founders makes a big difference too.


Join whose guild? Solars or Mine?


Maybe your guild


Sure! We just started, and I don’t think we have keys yet, also, the requirements are getting more strict by the hour! Fortunately for you, friends join, no questions asked!
For anybody who wants to join too, the requirements are:

  • Orange star+
  • Discord (you don’t need it, just for keys and shit)
  • Active on realm
  • Experience in epic dungeons
  • Be a friend

(Other than the orange star requirement, all these mentioned above are pretty friendly requirements for a guild!)


A few years ago a comrade got drunk and kicked everyone from the guild and that day terrestrial went from 4th to like the 500s in fame

Took time to fix something like that, i guess id recommend people who can handle what they drink


Oh damn, that’s not good!


buy keys buy members
lel bussines


Not really, some guilds can be “Friendly, no key guilds”, however they won’t last very long


My joke got exposed again


Does everyone not say “no shit?” Over and over while reading this?

Seems pointless.


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