Too many poisons for me :D


Hello fellas!
I got a Plague Poison a few minutes ago, which means that I have 3 different poisons to use.
I quite understand the using of PP - clearing dungeons such as cdepths with loads of fragile enemies.
But I also have Murky Toxin and Milk, and I’m not sure how to use these. Which one should i use on chests, bosses, etc.
Thanks for your tips!


Plague: use on bosses who take some time to kill (because it takes longer to do its full damage), or if you want to benefit from its larger poison area (eg in tomb you can hit all 3)

Murky: if you are good at aiming, because it needs accurate throw to get the larger dmg

T6: everywhere else


Just got a plague (last week, also just died on it) so so ik all of 'em now!

Plague: when you wanna fuck around
Milk: if ur kinda serious/need some damage
Murky: when ur tryharding and need dps so u can aim


I feel like this post was made to flex.

I mean, OP has to be kidding, right?

If not, then I’m sorry. I guess I’ve been using Reddit too much.


Not much to add that hasn’t already been said. Murky when it isn’t moving, plague when it is or you’re in need of crowd control and milk as a main for general use. I mainly use my murky, though, because I like to boost my dagger DPS.


Murky has the smallest area, but the best dps. It’s hard to use, but very good on single/packed foes, or monsters that do not move a lot.

Plague has the largest area, and deals damage slowly. It’s a safe choice, and very good for either bosses that move a lot and are hard to hit, long boss fights, or both.

Milk is between those two. It deals average damage at average speed, has a nice area of effect, it’s kinda the mix of the two previous. It’s better used in situations where you wouldn’t really use any of the previous two, for example situations where plague damage is too slow and murky’s aoe is too small, or if murky is too hard to use.

My advice would be the next : try the different poisons on different situations, and find the one you get the best of. Every person has different playstyles, find the poison that matches yours and the situation.


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