Toxic sewers class guide


credit: fiddy
letting ya know some helpful ways to get rich :heart:

Toxic Sewer Tier List:

Priest: Moderate
Sick of getting sick? Get out of the water and use puri. Done. Good healing class.

Defects: You cannot heal while in the water or when you’re Sickened, so it forces you to switch out of your possible Prot, to use Puri to cure others as well as yourself. The same that applies to all other classes; careful not to get rekt by brutes, unstable shots, and confuse shots.

Trickster: Agile
You can get away from anything that’s following you, if there’s a trail of goo on the floor, you can just tp away, very speedy. In conclusion, rush to your heart’s content.

Defects: Same from Paladin. Also, be very careful as you do not have the bulk of a melee, so mostly anything is game to kill you here.

Paladin: Excellent
It’s got bulk, you get rid of monsters quite fast, the seal bypasses sick even in water. Well rounded class to rush with if you’re certain what you’re doing.

Defects: You can get into some trouble if you get Confused, Unstabled and are being followed by brutes.

Rogue: Broken
You cloak through the entire dungeon, not get sickened while being cloaked, and get to boss to deal damage without any negative consequences except getting uncloaked.

Defects: Getting uncloaked.


He left out void blading it


Real quick as just some posting advice (for organization), you should bold each class.
Sometimes it bothers me >.< :stuck_out_tongue:


I feel that some of these class notes can be added to/changed, so I’ll make a quick list myself

Priest: Good
Pros: The Geb tome is almost perfect for this dungeon. The puri effects and speedy put you miles ahead of most other classes

Cons: REALLY mana hungry. Priest isn’t that viable without a legendary pet.

Paladin: Amazing
Pros: Almost none of the status effects can harm you at all if you know what to do. With sick, just keep running and using your seal. With confuse, learn confuse controls so this shouldn’t be an issue. Quiet is pretty annoying, but you just need to be more careful and hug the platforms so you don’t need your seal. Unstable, literally just keep running until it wears off.

Cons: Honestly there aren’t that many, but you need a decent amount of skill and knowledge to use it to it’s full potential


sorry about that :expressionless: im fluffy


Rogue all the way. I have also successfully soloed/rushed on trickster.


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